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Shelby is a recent graduate of Pace University in Manhattan. Now with her Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Shelby looks forward to learning more about the business behind bringing art to life.

Her artistic expression has been developed over the years, finding inspiration from both the mad and mundane. Shelby believes in the power of communication and shared expression, ultimately aiming to help others tell their stories. Tell her yours over a nice cup of coffee!

Bio: Bio


Education & Projects

My vision... To contribute to the NYC theatre and art industry creatively and administratively, in a way that shifts the tone of Broadway and other highly regarded arts organizations towards a more inclusive, accessible, and just future for social and climate justice.

October 2019 - Present

Associate Producer, Drive By History (PBS)

I handle the technical aspects of production while we're on set; including getting B roll, managing the production schedule, supporting the cast & crew, and offering creative direction when called upon.

June 2019 - March 2020

Writer, KPA Talent Management & Productions

Beginning as an intern and working in casting, I learned different booking platforms like ActorsAccess and BreakdownExpress. After being promoted to Administrative Assistant and Writer, I was able to write "in the room" as we developed treatments for two original TV series - both of which are currently in production!

March 2020 - November 2021

Playwright & Producer, The New York Summerfest Festival

Getting word that your play has been accepted into a NYC festival is great news... except when it's March of 2020. With my original full-length show being stuck in limbo production for over a year, it has expanded greatly to now have an original score, specialized graphic designs, and a marketing/fundraising plan. Now, it's time for rewrites!

September 2020 - March 2021

Blog Writer & Head Ambassador, Ripple Effect Artists

REA is a nonprofit theater company that incorporates social issues into each of their seasons. During my time there, I wrote a number of articles you can find under the Blog, and managed a team of five students to work towards weekly goals.

September 2018 - May 2022

BBA, Business Administration

Full-time student at Pace University with a major in Arts & Entertainment Management and a minor in Creative Writing. Active on campus as a Tour Guide.
GPA: 3.83
Business Honors Society

June 10-13, 2021

Actor, SPF-NYC Festival

Originated the role of Tara, a woman experiencing a quarter-life crisis at the height of the pandemic. A two-woman show that's just about as slice of life as it gets. Performed with a LIVE! (& masked) audience at The Players Theatre, East Village.

Bio: Resume


2020 & 2021 English Department Writing Awards:


2nd & 3rd place, respectively 

It has been my honor to receive such recognition from my peers, professors, and mentors. The Writing Awards is an annual, highly-anticipated competition amongst the Pace community. 

  • 2020 Submission: This is Heaven

  • 2021 Submission: Dead Babies

Bio: Text
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