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Community Buzz...

We would be nothing if not for the ground on which we walk, eat, and grow. People are no exception. Who would we be if not for those who teach, hurt, and inspire us? Scroll down for kinds words, good news, and moments of sincere appreciation.

Community: News

"Dialogue is the first thing that I look for in a show... Ya know, is it believable? .... And yours, well, I didn't even know the cast was still acting!" 

- Ryan Nava, videographer

(Robot Girlfriend)

"Shelby is an astute observer of life and actively integrates her knowledge of human behavior and its subtle variations into her short pieces... She knows how to spin a story effectively, ensnaring the listener efficiently in terrifically specific choices that immediately let you know where you are."

- Judd Silverman, Professor of Playwriting

(Pace University)

Image by Nick Morrison

"Thank you for doing such an amazing job on the sizzle reel, and for your stellar organization and professionalism... We love and miss you, and most of all, we thank you Shelby for your brilliance!"

- Karen Riposo, Supervisor

(KPA Talent Management & Productions)

(On the creation of two reality TV shows that are currently in production...!)

"DEAD BABIES" will be appearing in the Chain Theatre's 2021 One Act Festival this AUGUST!

For more details, visit

Chain Theatre

312 W 36 St

4th Floor

New York, NY 10018

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